Getting started

Learn the best way to get started with Sellix based on your requirements, knowledge and time available.

With no-code and developers solution you can get your Sellix fees as low as 0.05%. Contact our team to know more

Browse by product

Find our most-known and used products below, with links directly to our dashboard to get started.

For further product information, please visit our website at

Compliance and regulations

Informations regarding Sellix compliance and regulations.

Sellix headquarters are located in Bologna, Italy. We’re licensed to operate as a VASP for Cryptocurrencies under the Italian OAM (Organismo Agenti e Mediatori).

To verify it you can search for “PSV164” at and our company will appear.

If you need further information or help with your local regulations or would need segregated solutions, accounts or custom AML implementations, please contact our team.

Coming soon

Features we are working on, and their estimated release dates.